You need cheap web hosting so you can have a place to put all the web sites you build. Be careful choosing a web hosting company. A lot of them will waste your money selling you things you don't need. I trust and use, they are my favorite. Also, I use, and for many of my sites too. As you build more and more site, I recommend joining all three.
All three provide cPanel hosting, which is perfect for fast and easy setup, and for hosting multiple sites on one account. You should register your personal name ( as your main account and then host your niche sites within your main account.
Step Two: Join Affiliate ProgramsMy favorite affiliate program is Google AdSense. However, I also recommend joining, PepperjamNETWORK, MarketLeverage, and ClickBank. These are programs that you can use on your websites to earn money online. If you want some quick "Getting Started" tips, you can download a copy of my Affiliate Marketer's Handbook.
Step Three: Research Your TopicsIn order to make money online using affiliate programs, you need to figure out which keywords get the most traffic and have the most value in search engines, while not being too competitive. My favorite program I use for keyword research is Micro Niche Finder. I also like using Google AdWords Keyword Tool. If you need help researching keywords, you can watch my friend's two part video on how to choose keywords using Google AdWords keyword tool. Watch Part One and Part Two. If you prefer, you can simply hire me to do the keyword research for you.
Step Four: Build Your SiteIf you want to build blogs, I suggest using WordPress and Blogger. See created video showing you exactly how to build a blog. If you still need help after watching that, you should download The Bloggers Bible tutorial or learn more about the tutorial before you buy. Your blog needs to have a professional design. But, instead of paying a web designer thousands of dollars to design one, I suggest getting Affiliate Theme or StudioPress. If money is tight, I suggest purchasing Niche AdSense Themes for WordPress. These are lower quality, but effect.
Not sure if you want to build a blog or a website? I can help you decide! But perhaps you want to build a site instead of a blog, I strongly recommend signing up with They provide 4,500 free website templates, and also give you exclusive FREE access to a program called SiteBuilder, which basically allows you to build sites of equal quality compared to a professional designer.
Step Five: Read My Blog For More UpdatesAfter you have completed the first four steps, now it is time to read my blog. If you haven't already done so, you should read my blog for all my updates to you all. Below are my most recent blog posts.
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